It is difficult to think of myself as so interesting that I need to blog, I mean, woo hoo, I hit 6 subscribers last week, but for those who have told me they read this, here is a quick update and small story. This picture is of this boy and his black lab who lives in my building complex and I have watched this puppy grow up. Now the puppy who has always and continues to be OC (out of control) yanks the boy around instead of the other way around like when he was smaller. I know there is an analogy in here somewhere which I dont feel like fleshing out, but suffice to say, when the kid isn’t terrified the dog will bote someone or yanking him around, it is super cute to see them playing together and brings me joy, you can even see his sister in the background tagging along in the fun. Other than this small anecdote, I went skiing in Karakol last weekend, really truly high caliber skiing akin to any other boarding I have ever done, but was a little dissappointed I didn’t heliski, but my friend took me backcountry which was awsomeness. Valentine’s Day went well, my first with a gf, and I am happy to have a happy girlfriend again, thanks GK for babysitting. Lastly, the Transit Center people will no longer come to the AC, so I am left to pick up the slack, and now will be teaching two talking clubs a week in addition to my classes at Arabayeva, where btw, my fellow American teacher quit last week because she couldn’t take their BS anymore. Im niot making this up, this place is insanely difficult to work at, and I’m just gonna do what I can and try and be happy with my final months here, keeping my head down, staying in my lane, and trying not to put too much pressure on myself about making plans for the future.



3 thoughts on “karakol-012.jpg

  1. Florence says:

    I’m in Chicago where it’s snowing. As you can imagine we’ve had some horrible weather this year

    The meeting we are at is the AAAS and they had a Fulbright Booth. However the group that was here is about undergraduate students and not about people who’ve graduated

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